Tag: Avaya Partner

Why was a 18D Phone System is a Must-Have for Small Business

The Avaya Partner ACS created an 18D Phone System that was for its time one of the most advanced and reliable Avaya Small Business Phone Systems. The Avaya Partner ACS  Processor (700216054) is a powerful business phone system that can help increase productivity in the workplace. This system can handle up to 12 incoming lines […]

Partner phone rings fast and can not pick up the call

Problem: Are you having this issue with your Avaya Partner ACS Phone Symptom Partner phone rings fast and can not pick up the call Solution It is likely your system has defaulted and this is NOT something you can fix yourself.  You will need a qualified Partner Technician who can restore your system. A technician […]

Phone rings can not answer it

Problem: Are you having this issue with your Avaya Partner ACS Phone Symptom Partner phone rings too fast to pick up the call A call comes in and rings (light flashes) but only for a brief second then its gone.    Callers may describe here a generic message or be hung-up on. Solution It is […]